Monday, May 24, 2010

The End

Ok, I'm not gonna lie, I cried last night. No, not because the Yankees lost to the Mets, although I am getting a bit worried, but because the greatest television program of all time came to an end.

Titanic, The Lion King, and Lost. Those are the three works of film or TV I have ever cried at while watching and none more than last night's series finale of Lost.

Screw the haters! The Lost finale was brilliant. Lost has never been about answering questions, its been about the characters and their journeys, and the conclusion for these characters was completely emotionally satisfying. If you didn't like the end, you missed the entire point of the show.

Just as in life, with Lost, many questions remain unanswered. But I think that's exactly the point. Not all questions can get answered.

Sure, it was confusing as hell and doesn't really make sense, but who cares? I loved Lost from beginning to end and the great thing about this show is that it will continue to be debated forever. The show is open to interpretation. You have to think, and that's a good thing.

Lost, I will miss you. Thank you for the best six years of television of all time.

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