Thursday, February 4, 2010

The Super article

It's only three days away. The biggest, not only sporting event, but television event of the year: the Super Bowl. Chalk-full of story lines, the Super Bowl between the New Orleans Saints and the Indianapolis Colts promises to be a rip-roaring, high scoring, shootout down in Miami.

For the Saints, it is the first Super Bowl in the history of their organization. The city of New Orleans, ravished by Hurricane Katrina just a few years ago, has rallied around this team, as the Saints have brought joy and hope to the New Orleans community. Many are calling the Saints the new "America's team" and it's definitely hard not rooting for them. Schools are taking off Monday after the Super Bowl in the New Orleans area, I mean, this game is as big as it gets for that city. The opposing quarterback, the great Peyton Manning, happens to be from New Orleans, and making this story even better, his dad Archie Manning used to play for the Saints. The Saints have an extremely exciting offense fueled by the very calm, cool, and collected QB Drew Brees. Reggie Bush, looking like he did at USC, has been playing out of his mind and I'm sure he'll keep it up Sunday with Kim Kardashian up in some box, cheering him on. During the regular season, you could have made a very valid argument that the Saints were the most fun team to watch, and during the playoffs they have truly kept the entertainment level up. On Sunday, a huge majority of Americans will be rooting for the Saints and if they can pull it off, New Orleans is going to be the place to be. Think Mardi Gras, on crack.

The Indianapolis Colts, on the other hand, have been in this position before. Just three years ago, Peyton won his first Super Bowl leading the Colts to victory. The city of Indianapolis is, no offense to Indy, not nearly as fun as New Orleans. How many people do you know who have ever vacationed in Indianapolis? (waiting for you to count)...Exactly. Zero. But just because the city might not be the place to go party, it doesn't mean their football team doesn't know how to have fun. Peyton Manning is one of the greatest quarterbacks of all time and with a victory on Sunday he would cement himself as the greatest ever. Those of us lucky enough to witness Peyton play the game of football, are going to be talking about him for decades to come. When I have grandkids (in a LONG time) I will them about a few athletes I saw in their prime when I was a kid: Derek Jeter, LeBron James, Martin Brodeur, and PEYTON MANNING. Peyton is right up their with the greatest athletes of all time. Some critics of the Colts say that their run game is weak, but when Peyton Manning is your quarterback, it really doesn't matter that much. The Colts star defensive player, Dwight Freeney, is questionable for Sunday but even if the Colts give up 40 points, I have a feeling that Peyton will find a way for the Colts to put up 41.

The Who
For the halftime show, again, there will be a far past their prime rock and roll band. Sure, The Who is one of the greatest bands of all time, but isn't it time that the Super Bowl halftime show features someone that people actually listen to, today. How 'bout Jay-Z, or Weezy (he's from New Orleans), or I don't know, someone who is actually relevant in music today. But ever since millions of people saw Janet Jackson's boob on live TV, the networks have been scared to book anyone who is even a little bit risque. Still though, The Who should be very good, and as long as they play Baba O'riley I'll be happy.

I'm also very excited for the ads, especially Tim Tebow's controversial one, but that's a whole different discussion. I'm looking forward to some good beer commercials, maybe a good car commercial, and Go always does a good job.

I can't wait 'till Sunday where I'll be at a friends house watching some very entertaining football, eating some good food, laughing at Tim Tebow (who sucks at football apparently, by the way), and just enjoying the whole Super Bowl viewing experience. And then as the game winds down I'll be dreading going to school tomorrow. Shouldn't school and work be closed on the post-Super Bowl monday, throughout America? The New Orleans schools have the right idea.

My Prediction:
Like I've said before, it's going to be a very high scoring game and I think it might even come down to whoever has the ball last. But in the end, I just can't go against Peyton.

Colts 38
Saints 35


  1. I'm going with the Saints even though I think Peyton is awesome. And by the way half a million people vacation in Indianapolis every Memorial Day weekend -- it's called the Indy 500. It's a sick party on the infield.

  2. Ron,

    you're not cool cause you say "sick" party. And that's a nascar race, I wouldn't call a bunch of redneck white guys driving around in circles a party.

  3. I'm not calling the actual race a party. I'm talking about sitting with my friends and chugging down beers until watching guys drive around in circles somehow becomes enjoyable.

  4. nice article Jared!
