Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Lots of random thoughts as we March toward April (see that play on words right there; March the month and march the verb. That's good writing.)

  • I am so happy that tomorrow is April because April is the best month of the year. Here are my reasons why April is the best and if you disagree, you are wrong: Baseball starts ('nuff said), NBA playoffs (we get to see professional basketball players try!), NHL playoffs (the most intense postseason of any sport), Final Four (Butler, Michigan St., Duke, West Virginia,) NIT finals (just kidding), international pillow fight day (click the link), and Tiger plays golf (I hope there are hecklers). The one downside of April is allergies, but nothing's perfect right? Wrong. UConn women's basketball is.
  • Is it just me or does Leo DiCaprio give the same look in every movie? Ya know, that one where's he like half crying, half scowling. I have a feeling it's not just me.
  • The Yankees Grapefruit League record is 12-15. Should I be worried? At first I thought no, but now I'm not so sure. I wonder how much letting go Matsui and Damon is gonna affect us (when I say 'us' I mean the 'Yankees.' I may not technically be on the team but I pay for tickets and merchandise and food, so if you think about it, I am partially paying Jeter's contract. So, I am a part of the Yankees...kinda.)
  • I never realized how important a coach is in the NBA, but look at the Nuggets without George Karl. They're now in fifth place in the West and have lost six out 10, including a loss to the Knicks (that's when you know something's wrong).
  • Hideki Matsui is gonna love Los Angeles. First of all, there's more Japanese people in L.A. than in New York, and well, there's no second of all but the first of all is pretty big I think.
  • The Detroit Red Wings weren't even in the top eight of the West after the Olympic break, now there in sixth place and are 9-0-1 in their last 10 games. I guarantee you, no team wants to play Detroit in the first round. The Red Wings and the Boston Celtics are both teams that are prime examples for my "82 games of boredom theory" about the NHL and NBA. Let me explain: I think that some teams, usually veteran teams like the Red Wings and the Celtics get really bored during the course of a long NBA or NHL season. Due to their boredom they don't really try unless they have to. They basically don't try until the playoffs, but when the playoffs come, look out. So even though the Celtics haven't looked as good as teams like the Cavs or the Magic, you do not want to play them when it matters. This theory doesn't work for baseball because even though the season is longer, the teams that get bored don't make the playoffs. 16 teams make it in the NBA and NHL while only eight make it in baseball. There's no doubt teams get bored in baseball, I mean its 162 games, and you play every day, but you can't afford to get bored in Major League Baseball, while you can in the NBA or NHL.
  • I would never be bored if I played a professional sport, but some people are just spoiled, I guess.

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